Known saran doll hair, from FBI reference collection. Synthetic fibers similar to this sample were found in the clear-handled hairbrush.
The Judith Schizas doll collection as of 2011. Schizas is a doll expert who was contacted by the FBI during the 1991 legal battle over blonde saran fibers in the Jeffrey MacDonald case.
Shown below are examples of Pollyanna and Dancerina dolls (not actual exhibits)
1960 Uneeda Walt Disney Pollyanna doll. The doll shown here was described by its owner as being 31" tall.
1960 Uneeda Walt Disney Pollyanna doll. The doll shown here was described by its owner as being 31" tall.
1960 Uneeda Walt Disney Pollyanna doll. The doll shown here was described by its owner as being 30" tall.
1960 Uneeda Walt Disney Pollyanna doll.
Dancerina doll, by Mattel. Intruduced in 1968. 24" tall. Pirouettes via activation of a knob in the plastic crown; turns in either direction and can also dance in place on tip-toe. This doll came with a plastic record with dance music to be played on a regular record play (33 1/3 rpm).
Dancerina doll, by Mattel. Intruduced in 1968. 24" tall. Pirouettes via activation of a knob in the plastic crown; turns in either direction and can also dance in place on tip-toe. This doll came with a plastic record with dance music to be played on a regular record play (33 1/3 rpm).
Dancerina doll, by Mattel. Intruduced in 1968. 24" tall. Pirouettes via activation of a knob in the plastic crown; turns in either direction and can also dance in place on tip-toe. This doll came with a plastic record with dance music to be played on a regular record play (33 1/3 rpm).