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ca. September 20, 1971: USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29
![]() Paragraph 1: Physical examination of Exhibit D62NB revealed two isolated circular stained areas. Using the end of the handle of Exhibit C, impring markings were made on white cloth material slected from laboratory stock. Comparison of the circular [continued on next page] ![]() Paragraph 1 (continued from page 1): stains on Exhibit D62NB with those made by Exhibit C failed to reveal any individual characteristics that could positively identify or eliminate Exhibit C as the tool causing the markings on Exhibit D62NB. |
March 29, 1972: USACIL Consolidated Report
![]() Paragraph 26: Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits D14, D34, D35, D56, D58, D59, D64, D72, D73, D95, D104, D106, D107, D109, D118, D148, D149, D150, D154, D155, D161, D19K, D21K, D23K, D24K, D33K(2), D34K(3), D217, D225, C, D250, D268 and D269 revealed the presence of human blood. Blood typing examinations were precluded due either to the paucity of the stain or the contamination of the stain. ![]() Paragraph 1: Examination of Exhibits A thru C, I, K, M, N, and X did not reveal any comparable latent prints. |