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U.S. Government photos

Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald as found in bed
Green bedspread in north bedroom
Green bedspread in north bedroom
Green bedspread in north bedroom
Green bedspread in north bedroom

CID Findings

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18  Page 18
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18

Paragraph 14:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibits A, D56NB, D66NB, D165, D211 and D214 revealed the presence of human blood of the International Blood Group Types A and AB on each Exhibit.

Related exhibits

E52NB Hairs and fibres from bedspread on bed in north bedroom
E56NB Debris from bedspread on bed in north bedroom


July 5, 1970: Pre-Article 32 defense questioning of Robert Shaw (CID)    

July 21, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

July 24,1970: Rorbert Shaw (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

June 26, 1973: Excerpt from U.S. Attorney McNamara's memo to the DOJ    

January 14, 1975: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

January 14, 1975: Janice Glisson at the Grand Jury

January 15, 1975: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at the Grand Jury    

January 17, 1975: Alfred Kassab at the Grand Jury

December 14, 1978: Memo from Brian Murtagh to Morris Clark (FBI)    

July 20 and 23, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

August 2, 1979: Larry Flinn (CID) at trial

August 2, 1979: Janice Glisson (CID) at trial