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U.S. Government photos

Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom, with body of Kristen MacDonald
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom
Bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom

CID Findings

ca. September 20, 1971:  USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29

USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29, page 2  Page 2
USACIL Report P-D-FA-C-FP-82-70-R29, page 2

Paragraph 5:  Examination of Exhibit D-64NB revealed the presence of a mixed stain of urine and blood. Blood typing examination did not reveal the presence of the blood specific factors A, B or H.

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18  Page 18
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 18

Paragraph 16:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibit D64NB revealed the presence of human blood of the International Blood Group Types A and O.

Related exhibits

E63NB Debris from bottom sheet on bed in north bedroom


February 17, 1970 - April 10, 1972: Excerpts from CID Reinvestigation    

March 20, 1971: Interview of Jeffrey MacDonald by Pruett and Kearns    

August 27, 1974: Pamela Kalin (babysitter) at the Grand Jury

December 11, 1974: Dr. Russell Fisher at the Grand Jury    

December 12, 1974: Dr. Bruce Bailey at the Grand Jury

January 14, 1975: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

January 14, 1975: Janice Glisson at the Grand Jury

January 15, 1975: Paul Stombaugh (FBI) at the Grand Jury    

January 17, 1975: Alfred Kassab at the Grand Jury

January 21, 1975: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Grand Jury    

July 20 and 23, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

August 2, 1979: Janice Glisson (CID) at trial

August 28, 1979: Final arguments at trial

March 1, 1985: Excerpt from United States of America vs. Jeffrey MacDonald