Photos of multi-colored jewelry box on dresser in east bedroom

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U.S. Government photos (closeup created by webmaster)

Multi-colored jewelry box (circled by webmaster) on dresser in east bedroom (phone on dresser and Geneva Forge knife on floor circled by investigators)
Multi-colored jewelry box (circled by webmaster) on dresser in east bedroom (phone on dresser and Geneva Forge knife on floor circled by investigators)
Multi-colored jewelry box to left of phone on dresser in east bedroom
Multi-colored jewelry box to left of phone on dresser in east bedroom
Multi-colored jewelry box to left of phone on dresser in east bedroom (phone on dresser and Geneva Forge knife on floor circled by investigators)
Multi-colored jewelry box to left of phone on dresser in east bedroom (phone on dresser and Geneva Forge knife on floor circled by investigators)
Closeup of multi-colored jewelry box (circled by webmaster) on dresser in east bedroom (phone circled by investigators)
Closeup of multi-colored jewelry box (circled by webmaster) on dresser in east bedroom (phone circled by investigators)

CID Findings

February 1, 1971:  USACIL Report P-FA-D-FP-82-70-R18

USACIL Report P-FA-D-FP-82-70-R18  Page 1
USACIL Report P-FA-D-FP-82-70-R18

Paragraph 1:  Examinations of the red-brown stains of Exhibit J did not reveal the presence of any blood stains.

Paragraph 2:  Further examinations as to the nature of any stains present were precluded due to the paucity of same.

March 29, 1972:  USACIL Consolidated Report

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26  Page 26
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26

Paragraph 3:  Examination of Exhibit J revealed one latent fingerprint and one latent palm print suitable for identification.

USACIL Consolidated Report, page 27  Page 27
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 27

Paragraph 11:  The remaining latent prints were not identified. However, due to lack of complete clarity in some areas of the record finger and palm prints of Cpt. and Mrs. MacDONALD, a complete elimination/identification could not be made.

Webmaster note:  For clarification regarding the "remaining latent prints" referenced in this excerpt, see page 26 USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26
USACIL Consolidated Report, page 26

FBI Fingerprint Report

Full transcript

(Emphasis added)

. . . The thirty remaining, eighteen latent palm prints, and six latent impressions appearing exhibits, 1x2, 2x5, 2x34, 3x1, 3x4, 3x6, 3x10, 3x12, 3x20, 3x22, 3x25, 3x29, 4x17, 4x23, 5x4, 5x6, 5x7, 5x11, 5x12, 5x14, 5x18, 6x5 and 6, 6x7, 6x9, 7x1, 7x2, J, L-24, P, S-1, S-2, M, Q, and Z were compared with the available inked prints of Jeffrey Robert MacDonald, Colette S. MacDonald, and with the available inked prints of 125 individuals, whose names appear on the attached list, but no identification were effected. Conclusive comparisons could not be made in some instances because the inked prints are not fully recorded, including tips, sides, lower joint areas of fingers and palm prints, and some of the copies of prints are not completely legible.

Webmaster note

Some notes for this exhibit include references to rings Jeffrey MacDonald claimed were missing from his residence at 544 Castle Drive.

Several times, MacDonald made requests of investigators that they return a sapphire ring to him. It can therefore be concluded that he did not believe this ring (if it ever existed) had been stolen by intruders. A heart-shaped ring he had also claimed was missing was returned to him on March 9, 1970. He later tried to claim there was a second, missing heart-shaped ring.

Per the witness statement of William Ivory (CID) on February 2, 1971 (see notes below for full transcript):

     "On 4 Dec 70, MACDONALD was confronted with the fact that the so called 'heart shaped' ring had been released to him on 9 Mar 70. He stated that the ring he was referring to was just like the one released to him on 9 Mar 70, and at this time he said it, the 'heart shaped' diamond ring was missing.
     "I personally examined all items of jewelry in the MACDONALD residence on a number of occasions and there was only one 'heart shaped' ring and this was released to MACDONALD on 9 Mar 70. I neer saw a sapphire ring in the residence at anytime, and know no one who has seen the two items claimed by MACDONALD to be missing.
     "On 17 Feb 70, the fabric covered jewelry box found on the dresser in 544 Castle Dr. was examined by US Army CI Lab chemist CRAIG CHAMBERLAIN. A stain found on the inside surface of the box lid was tested at the crime scene on that date by CHAMBERLAIN and found not to contain human blood. This test, and others made throughout the house which were negative and not of apparent evidential value were not included in the report rendered by the laboratory. This was done apparently with the idea that it would eliminate confusion in reading the complex report."


April 6, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald's CID interview with Grebner, Ivory and Shaw    

Circa 1970: Drawing of two rings Jeffrey MacDonald claimed were missing    

July 14, 1970: Discussion at the Article 32 hearing

July 14, 1970: Hilyard Medlin (CID) at the Article 32 hearing    

July 21 and 22, 1970: William Ivory (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

July 24, 1970: Robert Shaw (CID) at the Article 32 hearing

August 16, 1970: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Article 32 hearing    

October 13, 1970: Article 32 Investigating Officer Colonel Warren Rock's Report

December 1970: Excerpt from Alfred Kassab's appeal to Senate and Congress

January 4, 1971: Witness statement of William Ivory (CID)    

January 25, 1971: Case Report Work Sheet of Craig Chamberlain (CID)    

February 2, 1971: Witness statement of William Ivory (CID)    

March 20, 1971: Interview of Jeffrey MacDonald by Pruett and Kearns    

June 26, 1973: Excerpts from U.S. Attorney McNamara's memo to the DOJ    

August 14, 1974: Jeffrey MacDonald at the Grand Jury    

August 20, 1974: William Ivory (CID) at the Grand Jury

February 12, 1975: Excerpt from FBI Fingerprint Report    

July 20, 23 and 25, 1979: William Ivory (CID) at trial

July 30 and 31, 1979: Hilyard Medlin (CID) at trial    

August 13, 1979: James Osterburg at trial

August 23, 1979: Jeffrey MacDonald at trial    

August 28, 1979: Final arguments at trial

December 27, 1981: FBI Agent Raymond Madden's interview with Ted Gunderson

Freddy Kassab's notes on Helena Stoeckley's 1980 statements

July 12, 1984: Affidavit #4 of Raymond Madden re: Helena Stoeckley

July 12, 1984: Affidavit #7 of Raymond Madden re: Ted Gunderson

September 19, 1984: Examination of Ted Gunderson in hearing before Judge Dupree

December 21, 1984: Defendant's Motion for Discovery and Inspection of Documents

Undated (post-1984): Excerpt from Ted Gunderson's summary of the MacDonald investigation